The following instructions are specific to node software setup on Linux.
1. Open a terminal window by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right of your screen
2. Type "terminal" in the search bar
3. Press Enter to open it
4. Paste the commands below into your terminal window.
You will need to replace "{YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME}" below with the username for your linux or Ubuntu computer
sudo chown -R "YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME": /usr/local/bin
sudo chown -R "YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME": /etc/systemd/system
5. Paste the following install command into your terminal window
bash <(curl -s
6. You will be prompted to enter your Ubuntu password a few times in a popup dialog. If you get an error that the *systemd* service couldn't restart, run the following command
sudo systemctl start switch
7. You will know the install was successful when you are prompted in the terminal window to enter your Switch account email address and password.
Your Switch node is now running as a background Service.
A background service starts up automatically when your computer starts, stays up to date for you, and reconnects for you if an error is ever encountered.
To Check the Status of Your Node Through your Terminal Prompt
1. Paste the following command into your terminal prompt
systemctl status switch
To Check the Status of Your Node Through Switch's website
After installation, you can check the status of your Switch node at any time by logging into the Switch Dashboard and seeing how many "nodes online" there are. You can also check in the node software installed on your computer as well as your reward history inside the Switch Dashboard.